Thursday 11 March 2010


For my Audience research I would like to find out the following questions.

. I would like to find out what target audiences expect from mainstream and independent thrillers. I expect people to think mainstream thrillers to have a faster paced but less complex storyline whereas normally independent thrillers are less fast paced and normally have a more complex storyline.
.I would like to find out the locations and costumes that are expected by audiences in thrillers. I expect the costumes for the women to be elaborate and for the men simple but smart and professional.
.I want to find out about the character types that are stereotypical for thrillers. I think that I will find out that strong females (or Fem Fatales), and deceptive males are the main characters in a thriller.
.I would like to find out what people think a generic thriller plot line is. I think it will be something along the lines of a crime is committed and a do good man is trying to solve the mystery and the seductive woman (Fen Fatale) knows a secret that the do good male needs.
.I would also like to find out what sub genre of thriller we should use in our opening. The sub genres include British gangster, film noir, and L.A noir.

To find out these questions by creating a questionnaire to give to 15 people in my 6th form. I chose this age group because they are who I would like to target audience for our thriller, I chose this group to target because it’s the easiest for me to talk to and I also fall into that category which makes it much easier to think what this age group think. Also 16-18 is the most cinema going audience which is giving it a large audience.

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