Thursday 18 March 2010

Audience profile

From my questionnaire I would like my target audience for my thriller opening to be the age group from 16-20. There are a number of reasons for this; one is that 16-20 year olds are the largest proportion of people who go to the cinema; two is that it’s the age group that I have the easiest access to talk to because I go to school with 500 of them, also I myself fits to that age category and I go to watch movies at the cinema and at home a lot too so I know what it takes to captivate an audience of that particular age. I think like most thrillers it will appeal to men more than women but I do not want to make it very manly it’s just that thriller conventions are more suited to males.
From my questionnaire I found out what my target audience expects from a thriller movie. For example I found out that people expect a slow paced complex thriller from an independent thriller, and a fast paced, simple and predicable plot for a mainstream. I also found out a number of things that could help us decide what locations and costumes to use. From when I started thinking about it, I wanted to use a location that no one else was using, because I want to keep it original. So I was thinking about using an abandoned farm and the questionnaire that the 15 did for me, agreed that an abandoned building was a good idea but only a couple of people suggested that a farm is a good location. But I still think an abandoned farm will appeal to the target audience. The sub genre of our thriller we haven’t decided on yet, but it will be either a British gangster or a physiological thriller, and I think this fits into our target audience very well because as a 16-20 year old myself I would go to watch both of those sub genres, the questionnaire I did also backs that idea.
The type of person I would like to target for my thriller is a male/female, who is aged from 15-21. The person like slightly secular music and likes more independent movies, they might go to the cinema with there friends. They still might be living at home and there parents give them pocket money that they spend on social occasions such as going to the cinema. I think because we are marketing our thriller as an independent these are the people who will go and watch the film. The image below is what they might look like.

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