Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Cinema Research
In VUE there are 13 different films showing today whereas Cinema City are only showing 3 different movies.
Select a range of 3 different films for each cinema. How many times is each film screened? how many films are being screened several times at the same cinema What does this mean for audiences?
In VUE Alice in Wonderland 3D is showing 6 times today, then I Love You Phillip Morris is showing four times, Shutter Island is being shown 5 times at VUE whereas at Cinema City Shutter Island is showing 3 times. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is also showing 3 times. The Scouting Book For Boys is showing 4 times today.
Identify the total number of films in relation to the total number of screenings.Of these, how many are being screened at more than one cinema at the same time?
At VUE its all a little random, they all show at different times and a variety of films in different screens, whereas at Cinema City they have 3 screens and are only showing 3 movies so once one is finished they just start it back up again in the same screen. This saves costs and causes less confusion.
Identify the % of Hollywood films vs. British films for each cinema that weekend.
At Cinema City they are showing one American film (Shutter Island), and one Swedish film that is subtitled (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo), the last film is a British film. At VUE out of the 13 films 12 of them are American and one is British.
What conclusions can you draw about how different audiences are catered for in your local area?
I have concluded that the American market dominates the mainstream market and at independent there is a range of different movies from around the globe. And that independent cinema tries to be much more economical by showing the same movie in the same screen over and over all day.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Audience profile
From my questionnaire I found out what my target audience expects from a thriller movie. For example I found out that people expect a slow paced complex thriller from an independent thriller, and a fast paced, simple and predicable plot for a mainstream. I also found out a number of things that could help us decide what locations and costumes to use. From when I started thinking about it, I wanted to use a location that no one else was using, because I want to keep it original. So I was thinking about using an abandoned farm and the questionnaire that the 15 did for me, agreed that an abandoned building was a good idea but only a couple of people suggested that a farm is a good location. But I still think an abandoned farm will appeal to the target audience. The sub genre of our thriller we haven’t decided on yet, but it will be either a British gangster or a physiological thriller, and I think this fits into our target audience very well because as a 16-20 year old myself I would go to watch both of those sub genres, the questionnaire I did also backs that idea.
The type of person I would like to target for my thriller is a male/female, who is aged from 15-21. The person like slightly secular music and likes more independent movies, they might go to the cinema with there friends. They still might be living at home and there parents give them pocket money that they spend on social occasions such as going to the cinema. I think because we are marketing our thriller as an independent these are the people who will go and watch the film. The image below is what they might look like.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Discussion of findings
The first question I asked was “What do you expect from a mainstream thriller?” Some of answers I put down for the people to circle were, fast paced, easy to follow plot, slow paced, complex plot, original plot and generic plot. For this one you could circle more than on answer and most people chose the fast paced, original plot, easy to follow and generic plot. From my proposal you can see this is what I predicted as these are the convention for a mainstream thrillers because normally people who go to the big cinemas want to see a easy to follow generic thriller whereas as we find out in the next question people who go to see an independent film normally see it for the complexity and originality of the plot.
In the second question I asked “What do you expect from an independent thriller?” which was the same as the first question but about independent movies rather than mainstream. The results threw up what I expected in my proposal that most people expect an independent movie to have a complex and original plot, but what surprised me was that people did not expect a slow paced independent film which surprised me because I think most independent films are complex and have a slightly slower pace than a mainstream film.
In the next question I asked “What is a typical character in a thriller?” in my proposal I predicted the outcome would be something like strong/deceptive female and a do good male character. But in the questionnaire most people put “weak female” which surprised me because I find in most thriller movies the female is strong and deceptive and often she knows what the man needs to know to uncover the mystery. Some people even put weak male which surprised me even more because I think basically all main male characters are do-gooder and often strong and commanding. Overall there was a wide range of people’s options on characters in thrillers.
For the next question I asked “What locations do you expect from a thriller?” I included what I thought were some generic thriller locations and added some other ones in there that I didn’t necessarily think were generic thriller locations. I predicted people would circle the locations in busy places and also in bleak locations. Most people circled “busy street” and “abandoned house” because I think those two are some of the most generic thriller locations, as some of the answers I added the locations we were planning to use for our thriller such as a “abandoned building” and “farmland” and only “abandoned building” was widely classified by people as a suitable location for a thriller which is where we will concentrate most of the shots on that location. “Farm land” was only circled once but I think it this could be a good thing because I don’t want to make a completely generic thriller with generic locations I want to use locations that people won’t be using.
For the last question I asked “what would you call a sub genre of thriller?” For the answers most of the sub genres were actually sub genres of thrillers apart from sci-fi. So I wanted to know what ones people thought were the most prominent ones out of that, but if I asked something like “what is the most important thriller sub-genre?” then people might think about it a little too much and give answers that are not necessarily what will give me the most insight into the actual good, useful answers that I want to get from this question. What it did throw up is that most people realised that anything with ‘drama’ written after it can also be a thriller sub genre. Most people got the most apparent ones such as “crime” and “film noir” (and most of the people who did media out of the people I asked realised that most of them were sub-genres). Overall this has given me a good insight into peoples expectations of a thriller movie and will help me shape my own thriller opening buy using the my audience research to shaping my thriller opening from the development stages right up until the actual editing of the opening.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Thriller questionnaire
For my Audience research I would like to find out the following questions.
. I would like to find out what target audiences expect from mainstream and independent thrillers. I expect people to think mainstream thrillers to have a faster paced but less complex storyline whereas normally independent thrillers are less fast paced and normally have a more complex storyline.
.I would like to find out the locations and costumes that are expected by audiences in thrillers. I expect the costumes for the women to be elaborate and for the men simple but smart and professional.
.I want to find out about the character types that are stereotypical for thrillers. I think that I will find out that strong females (or Fem Fatales), and deceptive males are the main characters in a thriller.
.I would like to find out what people think a generic thriller plot line is. I think it will be something along the lines of a crime is committed and a do good man is trying to solve the mystery and the seductive woman (Fen Fatale) knows a secret that the do good male needs.
.I would also like to find out what sub genre of thriller we should use in our opening. The sub genres include British gangster, film noir, and L.A noir.
To find out these questions by creating a questionnaire to give to 15 people in my 6th form. I chose this age group because they are who I would like to target audience for our thriller, I chose this group to target because it’s the easiest for me to talk to and I also fall into that category which makes it much easier to think what this age group think. Also 16-18 is the most cinema going audience which is giving it a large audience.